The Right Way To Burn Off Fat And Keep Muscle

By James Steele

A lot is known about how the body burns fat but not muscle. We often think that many of the problems people experience with it are due to their execution. This just means that the level of commitment people have might lessen after a bit of time. The causes for this happening are another important point. While we know there are many differences among people, and we cannot possibly guess what they all are, we can mention one possibility. It is possible that many people simply choose the approach that is not optimal for them. And once their efforts don't yield results they don't bother to find an alternative method to try. Your success balances on whether you can find an approach that is both fitting for you and one that works well.

One of the best proven approaches of exercises, which is interval training, should be considered by those who are serious about getting rid of their fat. There are quite a few ways of doing this with a number of exercises. A jumping rope, treadmill or a bike (either stationary or real) could be used for example. When it comes to cardio, the approach of long distance running will work very well for fat loss. However, if you want to do it in the most effective manner, then the long distance approach is not what you want to do. We are distinguishing what is the 'most effective' way to lose fat. Most of us know about the consequences of no fat diets and other such similar diets. There are indeed people out there that think they must purge their diet of all fats. Fat loss will most likely not occur when doing this. As soon as the body knows there won't be any more fat coming in it will conserve fat. So part of the trick here is to make the body, or brain, think that there is no need at all for fat. It's kind of like the opposite of the effects of the starvation mechanism. When your body sees that the fat isn't needed it won't cling onto it. Instead fat will be burned off and the muscle won't be touched.

Here's a piece of wisdom that's rather old and has been around for a very long time. But rather surprisingly not a lot of people know too much about this, and it will most certainly alter the way you eat. Always chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly. There's a 20 minute time lag from when your stomach is full and when your brain gets the signal that it is.

Therefore if you eat very quickly your stomach and brain won't be in sync, so you will keep eating even if you're physically full. You can reduce the chance of getting indigestion by chewing your food thoroughly. And before the food gets into your stomach you will be able to start the process of digestion earlier as there are enzymes in your saliva.

So, by eating at a quick rate you will throw your body off, resulting in you overeating because you don't feel full right at that moment. You can reduce the chance of getting indigestion by chewing your food thoroughly. Plus, your saliva contains enzymes, which will have more time to start the process of digestion, before the food reaches the stomach. There are many flexible approaches if you want to burn fat and not your muscles. This is most definitely a good thing because variation and different choices will help you reach your end goal.

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